Are you saddling up for success or are you watching from the side lines wishing you could ride?
Here's a little story that will help you answer that question, if you are wanting to ride, but not sure how to get there!
My daughter who will turn 10 in July has had a passion for riding horses at a very young age. Her room was full of horse pics, magazines, jewelry, etc. About 2 years ago, she finally decided she wanted to learn how to ride. Even though she had always rode with me or her dad, she wanted to learn how to ride by herself. This was a huge step for her. And this is where the passion meets the success!
First thing was first, she had to find a horse! One that she resonated with, one that would fit to her expectations! After the horse was bought, she would now have to get a saddle, bridle, lead rope, saddle pad, boots, and all the other fixings in order to ride properly. Now, that she was ready to dress the horse, and herself, she was ready to ride...............Not quite!
There was a lot to be learned before she could saddle up and ride. At first, she had to get to know her horse, saddle her properly, learn how to mount & dismount, learn how to put the bridle on properly, learn how to lunge her, and the list goes on! This all took time. Something that does not happen over night. Every day she would be more anxious to get on and ride. And when she listened, and got it right over and over again, she was finally ready to saddle up and ride.
Getting on her horse came easy, the riding was another lesson that needed to be taught! She needed to learn how to "drive" her horse. She had to be taught how to hold her reins, how to back her, how to sit in the saddle correctly, how to switch transitions, how to turn her left or right, and so on and so on! As my daughter was learning, she also would get discouraged at times. Sometimes not getting it right the first time, she felt she had failed, let us down, or worse, let herself down. As she would get frustrated and upset, her horse would automatically go into stubborn mode and would not do anything Brooke wanted her to do. Brooke soon found out that along with learning how to ride, she had to have the right mind set! This mind set thing may have been the biggest challenge yet for Brooke! As she worked on learning how to ride, she also learned the power of what potential she had with in her mind alone!
Every day Brooke was growing, learning, building more confidence and most importantly, she was having the time of her life. She was truly doing what she had set her mind to do........
Brooke could have easily gave up every time she fell off that saddle. She could of said it wasn't worth it. She could of said it was to much to learn. Brooke didn't give up, every day she kept pushing forward, learning more today than she did yesterday. See, Brooke didn't see her glass half empty. Only looking at what she didn't know, or what she hadn't yet become. She saw her glass as half full......She took her passion, envisioned what she wanted to become, and kept filling her glass up every day!
When Brooke wanted to learn to ride, she saddled up for success! She didn't do things half way, she went full throttle and didn't let anything get in her way!
If you are tired of spending all your time away from home, not having time with family and would like to have a more Passion filled life with more Financial Freedom, contact me today!
I will assist you in turning your Passion into a successful journey!
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