Friday, December 12, 2008

"Choose Your Own Path to Success"

How many of you out there are sick and tired of working your tail off day in and day out, to only find NOTHING in your bank account? I would venture to guess that most of you out there are struggling to just make ends meet. You probably have been robbing Peter to pay Paul for awhile now. Aggravated with the situation at your hands you can't even find a solution to get through Christmas. So the question at hand is, ......What are you going to do to change that? You may sit and tell yourself that when the economy turns around you will do things different, start saving, invest, find a better source of cash flow. I am here to tell you my friend that waiting will only leave you robbed of financial freedom in your future. Don't wait for someone else to turn your life around. It will never happen. There will always be another reason you didn't jump on a chance to change your life.

There has been success story after success story on so many people that have changed their life and became financially wealthy and successful during an economic crisis. The reason? They all had one thing in common; They did not want to be the majority but rather the minority. They did not choose poverty but found a way to overcome it. Where there odds stacked against them? Certainly there were, however the one thing they had that no one else did was the fact that they first believed in themselves enough to know there was a way out of the situation. To overcome all adversities the only thing they knew they needed was confidence and a clear vision and the rest would come accordingly.
In times of hardships and struggles, the only thing you must know is, there is a way to overcome them. The path of life may throw trees down your walkway, however that does not mean you can not take a detour and make your own path. And when you decide to make new paths, you then decide to choose your own destiny. Your road to life never ends. There is always a way out. It's just how you choose to get out of the situation that matters. Don't ever let broken limbs and trees leave you at a standstill. For they will never go away.

Whatever life is throwing your way, decide to walk, run, or skip down your path but never stay standing. Standing does not create energy therefor it can not create an action!

Act now and find a way to get out of the struggles in your life. The economy is going to always have it's up's and down's, but you can choose wealth by choosing to be the minority and not the majority. And by doing so you choose financial freedom, no matter the economic circumstances!

Monday, December 1, 2008

"For the Love of Freedom"

We live in the LAND of "Freedom and Opportunities." Yet it amazes me how many people don't take advantage of their possibilities. So many people are wondering around this country not knowing what they are doing or where they are heading in life. And the possibilities for them are endless. We all have this amazing ability to change whatever it is we don't like about our lives. Whether it's the person we are with. The career we currently have. The place we live. The people we hang out with. And the list goes on.

For many people they get into the "being comfortable" stage in their lives and they "think" there is nothing else out there for them. Although, they have the power to "BE, DO, & HAVE" whatever they choose. Most of these people let "fear" stop them from a world of possibilities. So they stay on that couch just wishing something would change for them instead of getting up and actually doing something about it.

If you are the one sitting on the couch blaming everyone but yourself for the losses and misfortunes in your life than you will probably never get anywhere in life than where you are right now. And what a precious thing to waste, by not giving yourself enough credit to change the way your life is going. You have the absolute right to be, do, and have whatever you desire. Only one thing stopping you from having all that is yourself. Remember, we live in the land of opportunity. That means, if you desire something, then go claim it and live your life to the fullest. What is stopping you? If you make a list of things to why you can't or won't take charge of your life, then most likely you will continue to live in the land of freedom and opportunity, yet never take advantage of the glories in having it.

How many times are you going to say to yourself, "I wish, if only, maybe next year, I can't, economy is to bad, etc,etc,etc?" Those are excuses to not living life the way you want and deserve!

So, for the LOVE of your FREEDOM and OPPORTUNITIES, make a change in your life. No one is stopping you from having it all! Unless you are in your own way!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let God Carry Your Problems For You!!!!

Today was a day I'd like to let everyone know about!
How many of you out there are tired of hearing everyone talk about how bad the economy is? Well I am! No matter where you go or who you see, that is what's on everyone's minds.
Not mine!!
I was at the salon today and the talk was nothing but negativity. I wanted to scream and tell everyone that life is not about "How High Your Mountains Are, But How Strong You And Your God Are." When I just sat there and didn't comment on the conversation, one girl said,"Jeanine, aren't you worried?" I smiled and said ..........NO I AM NOT!!!!
And why aren't I worried? Because I believe with all my heart and soul that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. God will never leave us lonely, or without unless that is what we think is our destiny. God wants us to have whatever we desire. And He also wants us to dig deep within ourselves and know that he has plenty of all the things we need. We just have to let all of our worries and problems leave our minds and give them to God to take care of.
Yes, the economy is struggling right now, however we live in a land of opportunity!! So when things aren't going the way you would like, CHANGE them. You are the only person, other than God that is in control of your life. So when one door closes, put your faith in God and let him open that amazing new door for you.
We have the ability to turn a bad situation into a positive one! You know the saying, when you get served lemmons, make lemmonade!!! Well go get you some sugar and give God a SMILE for getting out of the mess you are in! Don't wait, don't ponder, and don't give God the opportunity to lock your awaiting new door!! The sun is always shining somewhere, you just need to keep blowing the clouds away! I hope you find some sunshine soon!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't Cry Till The Cow's Come Home!!

Oh the joy's of living on the farm!! My day started out fairly routine. The usual get up, drink a cup of coffee, get the kids up for school, and head down our long lane to put them on the bus. That's when the usual routine turned into not so usual. As i was heading down the lane, I noticed our cattle were out!! As i started to get upset my 4 and half year old laughed and said,"Mommy are you going to have to chase them back in again?" I couldn't help but laugh for a split second. I was trying hard not to be mad at Tod for not fixing the fence, but found myself in a state of "blame game." Muttering in my head,"Why in the hell didn't he fix that fence?" No time to sit and blame, I got out of my car, put kids on bus and put the 2 calves back in. I thought, well that was easy enough, shwww!! A couple of hours passed, and my neighbor is knocking on my door. I already knew why he was there. "Jeanine", he says, "I think you got about 6 head of cattle on my place." I'm sure he could see the steam pouring out my ears. Thinking to myself, what in the world am I going to do? Tod wasn't home and there wasn't any way I could do it myself. Much to my surprise, my neighbor who is in his 70's says, "Oh don't worry, those cattle are fine. They got a pond to drink from and plenty of pasture to eat till Tod can bring them home." I apologized with a simple smile and thanked him. As I walked back into my home I thought to myself, Oh my goodness, I can't believe he was so nice and kind about our cattle having free rein on his farm. I wanted to continue being mad at Tod, then quickly rememberd what my personal development program taught me. And that is, no sense in crying about what has already happened. Our cattle were fine, and found out that we had one awesome neighbor to boot!!!!