For most kids, another school year has ended. No more studying, no more getting up early to catch the school bus and no more homework! It's the best time of the year for most kids. They are FREE to be a kid and enjoy all that summer has to offer! Time for swimming, camping, having friends over, or maybe just enjoying having nothing to do all day. But are your kids able to enjoy their time off school or are they going to spend it at a babysitters, or G-Ma's house, or maybe they stay home alone while you are at work. If they are teenagers, I wonder what they really spend their day doing when you aren't there to monitor their activity.
Having my own home business does allow me to watch my children grow and being able to spend time with them. But most importantly my children, I feel, are able to open up to me more because I am with them on a daily basis to realize when things are bothering them. I am in constant interaction with them. I am not a weekend Mom, but a Mom that can spend time with them instead of rushing off to work every day or coming home from work at night and having a million household chores to do, that I don't have time to make for my children.
There is only so many hours in the day to get so many things done. We are all given the same amount of hours and the same amount of days in the week. For most people with a full time job, this means that any time spent with their children or spouse is done on the weekends. This is just 2 full days. And the few hours left in the day after they get home from work. This isn't much quality time with the people that you love so much!
What if you could change that. If you could paint a picture of what your life would be like being home all day with your loved ones, what would you be doing with them? Would you finally get to know more about your kids? Would your marriage be better if you could finally have quality time with the one you love? What does your picture look like?
I can probably guess that your picture does not include a boss, a job sight, day care, or a paycheck that does not cover enough at the end of the week!
If you want to paint a perfect picture for yourself and come home to the ones you love contact me and I will assist you in bringing you home. http://www.BetterGetToLiving.com