Sexting in schools is becoming a huge problem! Our school recently was on the local news for sexting. As a parent to a child who attends this school I find it harder and harder to come to the realization that kids want to grow up way to fast! We are talking about "children" here. As a parent, I know that we have to let our kids learn and test the waters as they go through such a rough time of their lives. Lets be honest, we all were in high school at one time and know this is when we start dating, experimenting, and learning about the opposite sex. And most generally all kids will date and experiment. It's a fact of life. How else would we learn? We can not keep our children bottled up in their rooms and never let them out to see what the real world is all about. So we give them a little bit of freedom. We let them make wrong choices so they learn how to make right ones. We all know that when we give them an inch they will take a mile. I mean, isn't this what we all did when we were growing up? Of course we did. That's how each and everyone of us was growing into a young adult. By testing the waters and learning as we went along.
But what happened from growing into a young adult, to jumping into being an adult? Why do these kids feel the need to expose themselves to others over their cell phones? Is it a lack of attention? The need to feel wanted? Are they showing themselves off? Only the kids who are doing this will be able to answer that question.
Then we have the other person who sends the pics to their buddies. And it turns into a snow ball affect and before you know it half the school has gotten the forward. The person in the pic didn't agree to have half the school see their picture, but that is what happens.
Now due to such an irresponsible choice these kids choose, they will be scared for a long time. An embarrassment that will hang over their heads for some time. A picture text that will be sent over and over again for a long time. Exposing a young child that wanted to become an adult way too soon in life!
So as a parent I must ask, when will these kids come to realize that they just need to be kids! If your child has picture messaging on their phones, its so easy to look at their phones occasionally monitoring their usage on who they talk to and what pics are being sent out. It only takes a little effort to make sure your children are acting in a manner that is appropriate!
Now I'm not saying kids are perfect. Like I said, they are going to test waters. But if they are a minor, then you still have control over whether they stay in the kiddie pool or you let them swim in the adult pool! You still are their lifeguard! Watch over them closely and let them know you care!
How many of you skimp on Name Brand and go for the Generic?
There are lots of generic products that claim they are just as good as name brand, yet are they really? And if you are skimping are you really getting more for your money? Here's a few things that I have realized about generic......
Generic in general means "cheaper." However take for instance some products that are generic that you tend to use more of in the end. Which results in spending just as much or maybe more than if you would of went with the name brand to begin with.
Generic sometimes just doesn't get the job done the first time. Take for instance laundry detergent. Have you ever washed a load of clothes and they just didn't get clean enough the first time? So, you then re-washed them, using more water, more detergent, and more importantly more of your time when another load could of went in!
Another example is generic paint! Have you ever bought generic paint and had to paint the wall or other item over and over again? If you would of went with the "name brand" your job would of been done a lot sooner and the results usually are more appealing!
My other top example is clothing! Generic or "off brand" clothing does not last! They do not hold up to wear and tear nor do they stand the test of being ran through the washer over and over again. The seams, buttons, zippers, etc. do not stand the test of time! Most generally name brand will stand the test of time and the only reason to get rid of the item is due to the fact that it is out of "style."
My point here is the simple fact that when you "choose" to buy generic, you are getting what you pay for! And 9 times out of 10 you will be spending more money and more of your precious time!
Here's another thing to consider on generic.....
The same thing applies when considering a home business or finding how to make more money in your life. Are you going to keep investing in the "generic" forms of online money scams where yes, it may be cheap, but in the long run you will be investing little monies here and there that add up quickly and you will be investing a lot of your time learning the "ins and outs" of the right formula to make it a go! And that is if the "company" or "product" is really legit and not just another scam out there! Or will you invest on the "name brand?" A company that is reliable, legit, proven, and more importantly has stood the test of time, with results to prove their leadership and integrity?
You should not skimp on products or life! You deserve to have "name brand!"
Are you looking for more time and more money in your life? Tired of all the "generic" in your life? Find out how you can make $360,000 in 12mths all from home! Don't BELIEVE? Don't contact me! I'm only looking for the "serious" to join my team!
Have you ever noticed how a chicken acts? They are afraid of everything. When they get frightened they flap their wings as fast as they can, yet unable to fly. They stay cooped up in the same place waiting for food and never are able to roam free. They do the same things day in and day out with no adventure in their lives what so ever.
Some people tend to act the same way. They live day after day never expecting anything great to happen. They never try to get out of their comfort zone, to try something new. They always think the worst and never think of an opportunity as their way of spreading their wings and flying to new places. They think everyone is out to get them. They think that as long as they have what they need to live off of, that is all they will ever need or have. They never give themselves enough credit to learn anything new. They settle for just a mediocre lifestyle.
I would venture to guess, that most who live like this, are living a very boring life. No room to grow and spread their wings. No excitement to make life worth living. Their days are filled with the same routine, day in and day out! Never expecting anything great to come of them!
An Eagle however, takes the lead at everything he does! Never afraid to reach new heights. Never surrounds himself with just mediocre creatures. He will soar way past the clouds where airplanes fly only because he knows he can! An Eagle doesn't waste his time pecking at ground level associating himself with like creatures. You will find him nestled high where no other bird will try and go. He is the mighty of the mighty! He will spread his wings to get where he is going and let the wind easily guide him to his destination! No journey is to long or to rough for an Eagle. An Eagle never looks back, but only focused on where he is going! An Eagle is bold, courageous, and adventurous! An Eagle is looked upon as amazing and breathtaking!
Your life is meant to be just as breathtaking and adventurous! You have the ability to spread your wings and reach new heights! Never associate yourself with others that live a mediocre life, instead soar with those that want to reach the highest point! Never settle for just the ordinary, rather expect the extraordinary in your life!
You have the ability to soar like an Eagle. The ability to spread your wings and reach the highest point! You have the ability to stay focused on your journey, never looking back. Set your eyes on all the things that will make you rise higher!
When you learn to spread your wings and let life carry you, you then will SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE!
Are you ready to make some drastic changes in your life? Tired of pecking around at ground level? Are you ready to soar like an Eagle and get exactly what you want from life? Contact me for more information on how to make $360,000 in 12mths from home. Start soaring in life and quit flapping your wings!