Tuesday, February 17, 2009


With the business that I run from home, I have had several "non believers" come into my life. But the worst one yet, came from an e-mail today. Now you have to understand that I do not in any way "hunt" people down to be a part of my company. I do my own advertising and they have the option to contact me if they are interested in what I have to offer them!

As I checked my e-mail this morning I had an e-mail from a guy that started out saying I was a B#@!@#! WOW, what a way to start an e-mail. As I read on he called me a few other names, the "C" word the "W" word, and some words that I really had no idea what they meant. He goes on to tell me that I am so ignorant that he is sure I have not finished high school. At the end of the e-mail he signs off by saying, "I hope you have a F#$%&#* good day." After reading this, I sat back in my chair, and asked myself why in the world would anyone write such horrible things about me yet has no idea who I am? It was quite apparent why................

There are 2 kinds of people in this world, people that are happy and people who are not. The happy people are eager, ambitious, and ready to help others in anyway they can. They reach out a hand to those in need and never ask for a pat on the back. They smile and laugh as much as possible. When things get a little rough, they stay positive and know the best is yet to come. Happy people are just genuine from their smiles, to their generosity. A happy person never gets pleasure in putting someone else down just to make them feel better. A happy person lives to make others HAPPY!!

It's obvious this man was in dire need of some happiness in his life. I could have very well e-mailed him back and tell him what a horrible person he was and he is just causing more havoc in his life by slashing out on me. However, I did not. Instead, I just simply said a prayer for him that he will soon find peace and harmony in his life and left it at that!

We all want things in life. Whether it's money, happiness, success, etc. Just remember there is the right way to achieve all of these and there is a wrong way. Choose peace and harmony in your life and I promise God will reward you in more ways than you can imagine!