We live in the LAND of "Freedom and Opportunities." Yet it amazes me how many people don't take advantage of their possibilities. So many people are wondering around this country not knowing what they are doing or where they are heading in life. And the possibilities for them are endless. We all have this amazing ability to change whatever it is we don't like about our lives. Whether it's the person we are with. The career we currently have. The place we live. The people we hang out with. And the list goes on.
For many people they get into the "being comfortable" stage in their lives and they "think" there is nothing else out there for them. Although, they have the power to "BE, DO, & HAVE" whatever they choose. Most of these people let "fear" stop them from a world of possibilities. So they stay on that couch just wishing something would change for them instead of getting up and actually doing something about it.
If you are the one sitting on the couch blaming everyone but yourself for the losses and misfortunes in your life than you will probably never get anywhere in life than where you are right now. And what a precious thing to waste, by not giving yourself enough credit to change the way your life is going. You have the absolute right to be, do, and have whatever you desire. Only one thing stopping you from having all that is yourself. Remember, we live in the land of opportunity. That means, if you desire something, then go claim it and live your life to the fullest. What is stopping you? If you make a list of things to why you can't or won't take charge of your life, then most likely you will continue to live in the land of freedom and opportunity, yet never take advantage of the glories in having it.
How many times are you going to say to yourself, "I wish, if only, maybe next year, I can't, economy is to bad, etc,etc,etc?" Those are excuses to not living life the way you want and deserve!
So, for the LOVE of your FREEDOM and OPPORTUNITIES, make a change in your life. No one is stopping you from having it all! Unless you are in your own way!