Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Every Day is a Snow Day"

As I listened to the news before bed last night, all the discussion was about the "great" snow fall we would receive in Ohio. They were talking about how to prepare for your commute to work and what to expect, etc. I didn't think to much of it as I knew I would not have to travel in the mess when I started my day.

However, when I awoke this morning to the news, it had really hit me to how many people were out in this mess just trying to get to work. And some just didn't make it as they were in accidents. Then, there were the ones who opted to stay at home and not get paid for not making it to work. Who were also the ones who really couldn't afford to take a day off. As they stay home today, they will also be staying home tomorrow as we are going to get hit with some major ice on top of the snow.

I thought to myself how lucky I was to be able to stay at home, and work my business in my cozy warm house. I am lucky to be able to go outside and play with the kids, build snowmen, and pull them around on their sleighs with the ATV.

Then it hit me, I'm not lucky. To be home and have a home based business was a choice I made. It has nothing to do with luck, by chance, but a "choice."

How many people sit at home worrying about taking a day off. A "snow day" they can't get excited about because they really needed to go to work today. Or the ones who tried to get to work, because they couldn't afford to stay home, and was one of the people who got in an accident. Now they have a car repair on their hands along with not being able to get to work. And not to mention the parents who went to work, but their kids were off school, so they had to scramble to find someone to watch them. There is an extra cost they weren't anticipating during the work week. So as everyone stresses over the "big snow," I am relieved to know that I am not apart of the "snow kaos."

It has been a great choice for me to decide to start my own home based business. For me and my family, every day is a "Snow Day!"

If you want to make a choice to be home, have all the snow days you want, all the vacation time you deserve, and the freedom to do all the things you would love to do, visit me at http://bettergettoliving.com/

I will help you turn your annual income into your monthly income. Remember, it's a choice. Choose wealth, and time freedom!