Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are You Living Life Extraordinary or Ordinary

In order to answer that question you must first ask yourself if you go through life day after day doing the same things never expecting anything exciting to happen to you or do you step outside the box and go out on a limb and do the unthinkable that everyone else said you can't do?Being ordinary is boring and unadventurous. Ordinary people never give themselves enough credit to step outside their boundaries to try something unfamiliar to them. Ordinary people tend to start a million projects yet never successfully finish one. Ordinary people don't like to try new things for the fear of rejection or perhaps they would rather stay where they are comfortable instead of making a change that would better their life. Ordinary people may try something new and fail quickly because they choose to listen to the monkey chatter in their own heads or from others. Ordinary people never expect great things to happen to them and as a result of expecting just the norm that is what they exactly get....the same old same old!Being extraordinary requires stepping outside that oh so familiar box your living in and trying new things with the anticipation of being extremely successful at it. Never listening to the monkey chatter around you. Being extraordinary requires the expectation of having great results with the things you start, knowing you will finish and succeed no matter how long it takes. Being an extraordinary person requires being different, being a believer of the unknown, stepping out of your box, being strong enough to jump through hoops to get you where you are destined to go. If you want an extraordinary life, you have to quit being ordinary and start expecting more out of your life.YOUR LIFE SHOULD BE EXTRAORDINARY!!!Or do you like the Ordinary you that you are?Life is about choices, always choose EXTRAORDINARY things to happen in your life.When you choose to be extraordinary your life tends to become more desirable, meaningful, bright, and forever adventurous!Want an extraordinary life with extraordinary adventures?????