Years ago I would be a so called "Set in my ways" kind of gal. In my mind I always "thought" I had to keep things and do things in the same manner and in the same routine. I really didn't like change. Little did I know what "change" could do for me mentally, physically, and spiritually! I believe that for the most part, FEAR is what kept me from getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things. It was the lack of "knowing" the possibilities that kept me in the same auto pilot for so long. For me, I didn't know the possible outcome of "change" because I couldn't let my mind wonder long enough to imagine a beautiful outcome. I would think about something and the negative monkey chatter or the fear of failure would creep into my mind and before I knew it, I had already talked myself out of the possibility of something better, more prosperous, more exciting!
Boy have I changed since those days! Today, I live for imagination, for excitement, for change, and for all things better! I live a very "nice" life, I have to admit. But I believe if I hadn't opened my mind to change, I would still be in auto pilot day in and day out! I would have never been able to explore the thought of something better for myself or for my family.
I have found through imagination, envisioning my ideal scene, and setting goals for myself, that I am allowing change to come to me. The key here is that when you imagine, envision, and set goals, you let your mind do what it needs to do in order for you to have the things that you are imagining, envisioning, and setting for yourself. With out inviting change, you don't come across the "ideas" to let it all play out for you. As you imagine what you want your life to ultimately be, your mind will give you ideas to get there. This will require you to change your daily routine sometimes. Sometimes an opportunity will come your way, this could be a sign for you, allowing you to take the steps in order to let your ideal scene come to pass. If you don't take the opportunities for the lack of confidence, trust, or maybe you just think it is to much of a change, then you are not allowing your thoughts and desires to manifest for you. It all has to start in your mind with an imagination, a thought, a goal. Then you just let your mind take you where you need to go, to get you where you ultimately want to be!
Your mind is a powerful thing you have! It is more powerful than your physical strength. You can use your mind to get you anything you desire in life. And when I say anything, I truly mean anything!
Be good to yourself and learn how to have all that you desire!
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