Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't Cry Till The Cow's Come Home!!

Oh the joy's of living on the farm!! My day started out fairly routine. The usual get up, drink a cup of coffee, get the kids up for school, and head down our long lane to put them on the bus. That's when the usual routine turned into not so usual. As i was heading down the lane, I noticed our cattle were out!! As i started to get upset my 4 and half year old laughed and said,"Mommy are you going to have to chase them back in again?" I couldn't help but laugh for a split second. I was trying hard not to be mad at Tod for not fixing the fence, but found myself in a state of "blame game." Muttering in my head,"Why in the hell didn't he fix that fence?" No time to sit and blame, I got out of my car, put kids on bus and put the 2 calves back in. I thought, well that was easy enough, shwww!! A couple of hours passed, and my neighbor is knocking on my door. I already knew why he was there. "Jeanine", he says, "I think you got about 6 head of cattle on my place." I'm sure he could see the steam pouring out my ears. Thinking to myself, what in the world am I going to do? Tod wasn't home and there wasn't any way I could do it myself. Much to my surprise, my neighbor who is in his 70's says, "Oh don't worry, those cattle are fine. They got a pond to drink from and plenty of pasture to eat till Tod can bring them home." I apologized with a simple smile and thanked him. As I walked back into my home I thought to myself, Oh my goodness, I can't believe he was so nice and kind about our cattle having free rein on his farm. I wanted to continue being mad at Tod, then quickly rememberd what my personal development program taught me. And that is, no sense in crying about what has already happened. Our cattle were fine, and found out that we had one awesome neighbor to boot!!!!

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